Well, I’d say today is one of the more information filled posts I can remember in a while. Can’t remember the last time a column had this much in it, explaining a lot of things, clarifying what we’re seeing, and having exclusives. So here’s how it’s gonna roll today. Page 1 is to update you on the “Bachelorette”/BIP schedule, BIP cast info, some notes about the show, and other things. Then the next 3 pages, as I do on my podcast, I will have my own version of “Explain Your Tweet,” where I will tell you why I tweeted out what I did over the last 4 or 5 days. There’s a method to my madness trust me. I’ve never tweeted something which teased a storyline or spoiler I was gonna release, then never followed through. Ever. Yes, I get that you have to have everything 3 seconds after I tweet it, but sometimes it just doesn’t work that way. You will get it. You always do. But sometimes I like to whet your appetite for what’s about to come. Gives it a little excitement of what to expect, no? Anyway, everything I tweeted since last Thursday will be explained today so you will all have the answers you wanted. And frankly, I think it delivers. Page 2 will be an update on the “Bachelorette.” Page 3 will talk about what’s going on with Blake down in Paradise. And page 4 is the other main storyline happening in Paradise that was a long time coming. A lot to digest today so be sure to read all of it and not just skim through.
This past Friday, ABC announced that BIP would be starting on August 5th. Which is the exact same time it’s basically started it’s previous 5 seasons. I mean, look at the start and end dates for the previous 5 seasons:
Season 1: August 4th – September 8th
Season 2: August 2nd – September 7th
Season 3: August 2nd – September 6th
Season 4: August 14th – September 11th (season that had the shut down and air date got pushed back)
Season 5: August 7th – September 11th
So them starting August 5th is on schedule. However, when “Bachelor in Paradise” was first renewed, it was announced the show was starting Monday, July 29th, meaning Hannah’s season finale would be July 22nd. Now that the BIP start date has been moved back a week, so has Hannah’s finale, and her finale will air July 29th. Hence the reason they were able to throw that BS “recap” episode in the middle of the season last night. Didn’t throw the schedule off now that BIP is a week later. Just means that going forward, Hannah’s episodes will look like this:
June 24th: Latvia
July 1st: Netherlands
July 8th: Hometowns
July 15th: Overnights
July 22nd: Men Tell All
July 29th: Finale (they haven’t announced if there will be a two night finale like Becca and Colton’s season, so I guess it’s still possible the last episode of this season could air on the 30th). I don’t think there’s any conspiracy theory to this at all. ABC loves “Bachelor/ette” programming, so I guess they just gave them another week. But since they didn’t have an extra episode, they just decided to do what they did last night and do a recap of the first 5 episodes.
I announced your original BIP cast in Thursday’s column, but ABC “officially” did the same last night after Hannah’s episode. Cast is the same as I gave you:
These favorites are headed to Paradise!
Here's who you'll see starting August 5 on ABC's #BachelorInParadise. pic.twitter.com/Vt4Svzu1H2— Bachelor in Paradise (@BachParadise) June 18, 2019
Kristina isn’t on that list because she’s not technically considered original cast since she didn’t arrive on the first day. She came in on day 2. In the following pages, you will hear me talk about some people who have given roses and who they gave them to, along with some couples that have formed on BIP. But very few. Only going to address the main storylines now, but you will have all your BIP spoilers after filming is all said and done. Believe there’s only about a week left of filming. So much more to give you on this show in the following weeks, but today I’m gonna focus on the two main storylines on pages 3 & 4. There are plenty of other cast members who have joined (some already have joined and are off), but it’s not hard to figure out by just checking their social media accounts. All other cast entries, dates, roses, etc will be spoiled once it’s all over. It’s juicy, let me tell ya’.
One thing to cover from last night is the preview for the rest of the season and Chris Harrison telling Hannah something along the lines of someone has come back with their own ring and is ready to get engaged. The person Chris is referring to is Luke P. The preview basically gives away that Hannah eliminates Luke at the overnight date dinner portion after their talk about sex in the fantasy suites goes completely off the rails. Chris’ convo with Hannah is about Luke, but it’s very shady in how it’s presented. All I can tell you is that you’ll never see a ring, no ring was ever bought by Luke, he was given a ring by production for God knows what reason, but he never proposes to Hannah. As the spoilers stated, Luke comes back to talk to Hannah the next day after she lets him go during their overnight date, but it goes nowhere, he never proposes, and she still sends him home. The preview was very misleading, per usual. Hope that answers that since it was the #1 thing tweeted and emailed to me after it aired.
I guess I can start my “Explain Your Tweet” segment right here, although this one I can’t say. Yet.
Engagement coming…(you’ll know it when you see it)
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) June 16, 2019
I suspect you will know this sooner rather than later. Only a matter of time. But you’ll know when it’s posted that was what I referring to. Ok, lets get to your goodies.
UPDATE: This was the engagement I was talking about in that tweet from Sunday. Was told it was coming that day, but obviously not going to post it before it happened. And it did
Country Star @iamchrislane and Bachelor Alum @laurenbushnell3 Are Engaged: All the Proposal Details https://t.co/6FndvcZetN
— People (@people) June 18, 2019
Reveals start on Page 2…