Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” & (SPOILER) What Former Contestant Shows Up on Matt’s Season?

Photo Credit: ABC

Going to be quite the interesting week in Bachelor world. Will have a good episode tonight with lots of drama and stuff for people to talk about, which I’ll get to momentarily. I have a feeling Matt’s women will be “officially” released by ABC this week as well since they posted the episode #1 press release yesterday. In the past, that’s always meant the cast was soon to follow. They gave us 43 women back in October a few days before filming started, but now we know only 32 made it to the first night based off the press release. And then lastly, I think people are going to be interested in my podcast guests this week. Yes, plural. Neither of them are related to each other, but yet, they’re talking about the same topic. One guest is relating to the Bachelor world and the other isn’t. I’m very well aware of the response this will elicit and I’m fine with it. I think once you listen you’ll understand more. The non Bachelor one I’ve already recorded. The other one I’m recording today so I don’t want to jinx anything until I have it done. Will some of you like it? I think so. Will some of you probably hate it? Yup. But I think it’s important to have them on and you’ll know more why once you listen. You’ll know soon enough as these will both be on the podcast Thursday. You know me, I hate jinxing things before they’re recorded. Burned me a couple times in the past. I have no reason to believe I won’t be recording with them today. Just erring on the side of caution.

Ok, lets get to it. I know a lot of you were interested in my tweet from yesterday:

A lot of guesses yesterday after that. Most were wrong. Some were right because, well, that’s another story for another day. But anyway, it’s Heather Martin. You know, Hannah Brown’s best friend. Here’s what I know: she doesn’t show up the first night, it’s somewhere after filming is already started, and she’s literally there only a few hours as Matt sends her home the same day she arrives.

So in looking at this from the outside, it’s clear this was put together by Hannah Brown. I don’t know any other details of what I just shared, but Heather is Hannah’s BFF. They post all the time together on each other’s IG stories. Clearly Hannah told her this would be a good idea since she’s friends with Matt (you know, Quarantine Crew and all), and I guess convinced Heather she thought the two of them would get along. Or hell, maybe at some point Heather has met or at least spoken to Matt in the past. I’m not sure. But Heather showing up on Matt’s season and getting eliminated the same day, well, kinda embarrassing. Especially when Hannah was probably pushing her to do it. Why wouldn’t she? She’s friends with both. Knowing what the end result is now, clearly it was done for dramatic purposes and Heather never stood a chance of lasting.

I don’t know Matt’s reasoning for sending Heather home so quick, but knowing that Heather didn’t show up on the first night, I’m sure it was similar to when Shawntel showed up on Ben Flajnik’s season in episode 3 in San Francisco, and he basically gave her the ol’ “it wouldn’t be fair to the others” line. I gotta believe that’s at least part of Matt’s reasoning, because it’s pretty cold to send someone home right away who is a friend of your friend and who flew across the country and quarantined for a week before meeting you. I highly doubt it was because Heather got there and caused drama. So that was probably his out. Which makes sense. I don’t blame him. So while Matt met 32 women on night one, when the cast is released, Heather won’t be on it since she didn’t arrive til later, so technically he met 33. And possibly more? Dun, dun, dun…

Speaking of the Quarantine Crew, did Tyler Cameron really start a merchandise line of t-shirts and hoodies with just pictures of him shirtless on it? Did I really see that correctly? And he even threw Matt on one of them? And then has a “James Cameron ’21” one? I mean, Matt’s season hasn’t even started yet and these two are beginning to be a bit insufferable. Good Lord. Talk about reading your own press clippings. Quick, run and get this guy a gallon of water stat! Someone’s thirsty! I’m not faulting him for trying to make money post-show. Because that’s the reason all of them are going on in the first place. If they tell you otherwise, they’re lying. But aren’t there better, less narcissistic ways to push product? I don’t know. Just seems awfully self-absorbed that THAT is the merchandise line you chose to go with. Whatever. I hope we find out every dollar of this is either going to charity or some fund set up in his mother’s name. That’d make this much more tolerable. And for those keeping score at home, in just the 2 weeks since filming ended, during a national pandemic, our Bachelor Matt has traveled to FIVE different states: Ohio, North Carolina, New York, New Jersey, and Florida. Just the facts, ma’am. Just the facts. Here come all the Tyler Cameron/Matt James stans all up in my emails and DM’s because they believe these guys walk on water in 3…2…1….

Remember a couple weeks ago when I linked to this interview Dr. Joe did with talking about his time on the show. One thing I totally glossed over in that interview was the fact that Joe said he had no idea who Tayshia was when she walked into the room that night. If that isn’t more evidence that this show doesn’t give a rat’s ass about casting the best possible matches for their lead, I don’t know what is. Yeah, it’s one thing if you cast someone and the lead doesn’t get along with them, or they aren’t a good match. But to cast a contestant who doesn’t even know who Tayshia was? “Well Steve, that’s proof that Tayshia coming in wasn’t pre-planned. They cast Joe for Clare so they couldn’t control once Tayshia came in.” No, they knew. And I wish certain people could come forward and admit they knew, but they can’t. To me what it shows is that once Tayshia came in, they knew only a certain group of the guys even stood a chance with her. The rest of the men, unfortunately like Joe, were just filler.

Episode #9 spoilers on Page 2…



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