Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #416 – Interview with Kate Casey from the “Reality Life” Podcast (incl transcripts)


    Joined once again by good friend Kate Casey from the “Reality Life” podcast for her somewhat quarterly visit to the podcast. A lot of “Love is Blind” talk as she’s been just as entrenched in the off screen drama as I’ve been, so it’s a good conversation surrounding the couples, the reunion show as a whole, etc. We also discuss a particular documentary I’ve heard a lot about, and we get her recommendations for other TV shows in the pipeline that she’s watched or is getting ready to watch. Don’t forget, the Daily Roundup and the Sports Daily are also posted on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. In addition, the transcripts for this podcast and the Daily Roundup are below for those that would rather read. … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #415 – Interview with Rachel Juarez from “Hot Bench” About The Clayton Echard Case (with Dave Neal)


    Joined againt by Rachel Juarez from “Hot Bench,” but this time bringing her on and spending the whole time discussing the Clayton Echard/Laura Owens case from the perspective of a family law attorney. And if I’m gonna be talking about this case, I have to bring Dave Neal aboard to give his thoughts on everything since he has been the one to spearhead this story from the very beginning. A very insightful 90 minute interviews from a very respectable family law attorney who looked over a lot of this case in the last month to come to the conclusions she did. SPOILER: they aren’t in Laura’s favor. Ohhhh, can’t wait til Gingras and Laura both have something to say about this interview because I know … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #414 – Answering All Your “Reader Emails” (including transcripts)


    Every 3 months or so I like to take the time to answer all the questions you the reader sends in, and this was one of those weeks. I didn’t count the exact number but I think there’s over 30 emails answered in today’s podcast covering a variety of topics. I did not get to all of them that you sent in because some were sent in after I recorded yesterday around 3:00pm. Either way, some good stuff in here, and most wasn’t even “Bachelor/ette” related, which is always a good thing. You get plenty of that on other weeks, so it’s always nice to mix it up and cover different topics. Also, your transcripts for both today’s Daily Roundup and Podcast #414 are below … Continue reading

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