Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” & Winter Games Episode 3 Thoughts


    We are getting closer to the finale, and that’s when tabloid stories, rumors, innuendo, and all sorts of craziness starts up. For me, it happens every season so I don’t pay much attention to it. Go back to any February over the last 7 or 8 years (when the “Bachelor” started airing in the first Monday in January) and you’ll see this is right around the time where the coverage of the show starts to pick up. Knowing how this sh**show of a season ends up, it’ll only add to it this year. Speculation on the who/why/what of everything is flooding pop culture sites, and most of the info is wrong. Like this story making the rounds Lauren has been engaged twice before coming on … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Winter Games Episode 1 Thoughts, & Tomorrow’s Podcast Guest

    Photo Credit: ABC

    This week, I definitely have a change up for you on the podcast. It’s still being released tomorrow, but it’s not a reality TV person. However, in my opinion, it’s the most important podcast I’ve done. Tomorrow’s guest is Jenn Sterger. Some may know the name. Some may not. Some may know the story behind her. Some may not. However, this is the first time she’s ever given an extended interview regarding one of the major sports scandals we’ve ever had that she was the center of. If you don’t know the story, Google her. We get into everything tomorrow, and we explain the timeline of everything that happened along with the nuts and bolts of it. I already know some people have a preconceived … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & (EXCLUSIVE) Winter Games Episode 1 Spoilers Along with the Main Storyline & Finale Spoiler

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Episode 1 of “Winter Games” was released to the media this week, and as I do for the first episode of “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette,” I have my way of watching it and thus spoiling it. Do they want me to? Of course not. This episode is shown just like the others in that it shows everything up to the rose ceremony, because they don’t want media possibly giving away eliminations. Well, you’ll get those from me today. And the first “rose ceremony,” isn’t really a rose ceremony. They mix it up a bit for the first elimination, which you’ll see later. I’ve not been entirely on board with this show if you’ve read any of my thoughts the last few months. After watching it, I … Continue reading

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