Reality Steve

The Bachelor 22 – Arie

  • The Bachelor 22 - Arie

    Live Podcast Taping with Olivia Caridi Tonight in Dallas, Winter Games Talk, & “Bachelor” Final Rose Ceremony Approaching


    We’re almost at the finish line. Hasn’t been much to update since nothing has gotten out publicly since they’ve gone to Peru for overnights and final rose ceremony, although I saw randomly on Facebook yesterday someone vacationing in Peru right now posted a pic with Chris Harrison as he was walking around in Cusco. So they’re definitely still there. The final rose ceremony is either tomorrow or Thursday. Per usual, the final couple gets an extra few days at the location before heading home. You can dissect who turns on their social media first if you’d like, but considering how many of the women this season have been home for weeks even a month and haven’t even accessed their social media, I’m not really sure … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    (EXCLUSIVE) Who Is Getting the 4th Hometown & Your Full Cast of 29 Girls for This Season


    We begin the month of November today in case you didn’t know. Halloween is over, I have a tummy ache from eating a lot of my niece and nephew’s candy last night, and we’re only about 2 1/2 weeks away from the “Bachelor” filming wrapping up. Today is hometown date #4 (which I’ll tell you about in a second), tomorrow is the rose ceremony, then Friday they head off for overnights and the final rose ceremony location. I have an idea where they’re headed, just waiting for confirmation. Hopefully I’ll have that in the next couple days. The good thing about today is, well, you’re gonna be able to fill in a few blanks since you’ll now have every one of the 29 girls who … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    “Bachelor” Update & Some Mini Spoilers from the Early Episodes

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So we’re getting down to the nuts and bolts of the season. I say this around the same time every season, but since not everyone reads during the offseason, I’ll say it again: The show takes one month to get from their initial cast (whatever that number may be) down to the final four. Then it takes usually 3 weeks to get from four down to the final 1. Filming most definitely slows down once hometowns begin because there’s more breaks in filming in between hometown dates (one day) and overnight dates (also one day). And that’s where we are right now. The rose ceremony in Italy was last night and as I write this morning, Arie is headed back to the states to begin … Continue reading

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