Reality Steve

The Bachelor 27 – Zach

  • Podcasts

    The Bachelor Zach – Episode #2 Recap, Fans Question Zach, Sports Fans Losing It, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    While we may be losing some podcasts from Bachelor Nation alums (which is probably a good thing), we also gained another one starting yesterday. Courtney Robertson now has a podcast called “Off Contract,” which is under the “Game of Roses” label. Her first guest was Ashley Iaconetti. Courtney has been a multi-time guest on my podcast over the years, so check out her new podcast when you get a chance. I will be on her podcast at some point and I already told her I will reveal something on her podcast that I’ve never revealed before. I can’t remember if I’ve told Courtney privately about this, but I know I’ve never said it publicly. But hey, I’ll be a good guest and drop a little … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” Greer’s Apology, One of Zach’s Women Hard Launches Her Relationship, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    A good start to the Fan Appreciation Party June 2nd in Las Vegas, as already 1/4th of the spots filled up yesterday. The party can hold around 80-90 total in the room (it’s in the same room it’s been for 5 of the 7 years at Mandalay Bay), so if you’re interested in coming, it’s open to anyone. There is no charge. It’s just a thank you to all you readers and listeners who have supported the site and the podcast over the years. Always a good time. Open beer and wine bar, food, and just a 3 hr or so party where we can chat and mingle and give away a few prizes. This year I definitely think there will be some recent podcast … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    The Bachelor Zach – Episode 1 Recap, Info on the Fan Appreciation Party This Year, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    It’s been a couple months. Glad you’re back. A lot has happened since we last spoke. Now, I realize there are some of you that only want to read what I say and don’t care to listen to podcasts. That’s fine. You are who I’m referring to when I say a lot has happened since we last spoke because basically you haven’t seen any new columns since Bachelor in Paradise ended. Just keep in mind what happened this offseason is what happens EVERY off season. I basically NEVER have columns when the show isn’t airing. The only time I do is to report spoilers, which I did in Sept, Oct, and Nov. But once I posted all my Zach’s spoilers up … Continue reading

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