There is A LOT to get to today. You haven’t heard from me since Thursday, and since then, we had a Winter Games finale, a “Women Tell All” episode, and then last night’s overnight dates. I will get to all of that. Less time will be spent on those three only because, let’s face it, this season is all about the finale next week. Do we really need to dissect what happened last night or at the WTA when we have a giant sh** storm approaching next Monday and Tuesday night? Of course not. I will have thoughts on those shows on pages 3 and 4, but I want to take the time now to update you on my findings over the last few weeks in regards to kinda behind-the-scenes of what went down when Arie pulled a Mesnick this season, ended his engagement to Becca, and started seeing Lauren. The questions you’ve all had was who knew what and when, how did it play out, what was the reaction, how are Arie & Lauren now, etc. That’s what I’ve been focusing on over the last few weeks and I’m finally able to tell you what I’ve gathered. As always, people will choose to believe what they want (namely the Arie nutjobs), but I’d say I’m pretty dialed in to this situation and I have a better idea of what’s happening now. Lets begin…
Because I released the spoilers in different parts this season, things may have gotten a tad confusing. So let me break down when I shared everything so you have it nice and neat for you:
Nov. 30th: Final 4 Breakdown & Who Arie Chose
Dec. 5th: First 3 Episodes Spoilers
Jan. 2nd: Whose Ex Shows Up?
Jan. 18th: Episodes 4 thru 7 Spoilers
Jan. 23rd: Arie’s Change of Heart
All of that happened. None of that has changed. Now, I’ll fill you in the best I can on what’s been going on lately. The biggest question of this ending is how/when did the break up happen with Becca, what did she know, what about the cameras filming, etc. Here’s what I can tell you. Arie and Becca were together as late as New Years Eve. Remember when he was in New York for the ball drop to promote the season? Becca was there with him. So once the New Year rolled around, they were together. I reported a few days later that on the night of the premiere Jan. 1st that Arie called Lauren. Again, this happened. Obviously I’m not privy to word for word what was said, but it was in this conversation that Arie made it known to Lauren he was having second thoughts and asked what she was feeling. It was established in this phone call that Lauren would fight for the two of them. She certainly didn’t shut him down, obviously considering where we’re at now, but she basically didn’t tell him no, didn’t tell him to leave her alone, and wasn’t against the thought of them getting back together. This conversation put the wheels in motion for Arie.
Now let me be clear, I’m not saying Lauren told him to break up with Becca. I’m not saying she encouraged him to do anything. But there was no chance that Arie would dump Becca in hopes that Lauren would take him back. He knew she was willing to try it. I can’t say for sure if over the next 10-12 days how many times Arie and Lauren spoke. I have no idea. But just using my brain for a half a second, I really do not think he never spoke to her from the time he called her on the night of the premiere til the day he showed up in Virginia on Jan. 16th. It’s ridiculous to think that he did. But do I have any proof of talks/texts between Jan. 1st and him showing up in Virginia to see Lauren and her parents on Jan. 16th? No. It doesn’t take much to think they weren’t in touch in some form. What that form was in anyone’s guess.
I had reported before that Becca knew Arie contacted Lauren. This is true. The extent of what she knew, I don’t know. It’s my belief based on everything I was told that Becca and Arie had been together on three separate Happy Couple visits (possibly four) from the time filming ended til Jan. 1st. Two of those are documented (the bike riding trip in AZ, then the Happy Couple visit where they both posted in the same backyard), and then third I can confirm they were together in NY on New Year’s Eve weekend when Arie was there for press. As far as Becca knew, there was no reason to believe Arie was ever going to end their engagement. The second week of January in mid week (Jan 10th on her IG), Becca was in Las Vegas for work. After this Vegas work trip, that weekend was a scheduled Happy Couple with Arie in LA. This was a planned regular meet up, but SOMEBODY, either Arie or producers or both, lied to her and told Becca they were being filmed because they wanted to give the fans an update on their relationship to be shown later. This is when Arie, with cameras in tow, broke up with Becca and ended the engagement. This was the d**k move of the season. So yes, she was pissed and blindsided. At no point did she ever think Arie was going to end the engagement on that meet up, and at no point did she ever think it was going to be filmed doing it.
One thing Jason Mesnick has always said is that he wishes he didn’t let the producers manipulate him to filming that closed set ATFR where he dumped Melissa and asked Molly back. Arie is in totally different boat. He went to that Happy Couple meeting with cameras in tow to break up with Becca and gave her no indication beforehand that’s what he had in store. Yes, I’m aware that the Arie nutjobs will dispute this or poke holes in anything they can because it doesn’t fit their narrative of him, but honestly, I don’t care what they think. I know what happened and it was this. I’m sure we will see Becca address this on the ATFR. Something that I haven’t been able to confirm but heard rumblings about? That during this break up, Arie actually told Becca “it has nothing to do with Lauren.” Holy sh**. Like I said, I haven’t gotten that confirmed yet, I’m just telling you what I heard. Arie better hope to God for his sake we don’t see him tell her that since that might be the biggest line of bullsh** he’s ever spewed. And he’s spewed a lot.
The breakup with Becca happened on the weekend of Jan. 12th, with remember Becca posting these to her IG story Jan. 14th & 15th:
Tuesday Jan. 16th is the day we know Arie was in Virginia filming at Lauren’s parents house. We can dissect all day long about did she know he was coming, what was said, etc. There’s no way Arie showed up that day and that family didn’t have a clue he was coming or why he was coming. At this point, I don’t think it matters if they knew Arie had already ended the engagement or they hadn’t and he told them when he was there. The bottom line is he went there on the 16th, and from that day forward, Arie and Lauren have been together. Here was the picture from that day in case you forgot:
And if you looked closely at the beginning of the episode last night when they were teasing stuff upcoming, I’m pretty sure this clip is from when Arie was walking in front of Lauren’s parents house in Virginia. Same white gate: