Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” @BachelorData Breaks Down Monday’s Screen Time, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    As we move along with this season of the “Bachelor,” ABC has yet to announce their schedule for the rest of this season, even though they started 3 weeks later than they usually do. But from everything I’m hearing, the “Bachelorette” is set to start filming in mid-March like it usually does, which means they are definitely needing to double up on episodes some week. Because a normal season is 11 episodes long and 11 weeks from Jan. 23rd is into April. And that’s not gonna happen if “Bachelorette” starts filming in mid-March. So I’m sure we’ll hear in the next few weeks when they’re doubling up. Although now that I think about it, knowing something major goes down in London and only one date … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” Greer’s Apology, One of Zach’s Women Hard Launches Her Relationship, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    A good start to the Fan Appreciation Party June 2nd in Las Vegas, as already 1/4th of the spots filled up yesterday. The party can hold around 80-90 total in the room (it’s in the same room it’s been for 5 of the 7 years at Mandalay Bay), so if you’re interested in coming, it’s open to anyone. There is no charge. It’s just a thank you to all you readers and listeners who have supported the site and the podcast over the years. Always a good time. Open beer and wine bar, food, and just a 3 hr or so party where we can chat and mingle and give away a few prizes. This year I definitely think there will be some recent podcast … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” BIP Reunion Spoilers, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I feel like such a lazy ass. I know I produce a podcast every day (two on Thursdays), and I try to spend a good amount of time giving you information on the Bachelor franchise. But then I watch John King from CNN at work last night, and I feel like a failure. That dude is a legend. He works that touch screen like a boss. And to be able to point out counties on a map before even touching them? Daaaaaaaaaaamn. He good. John King is my hero. Not to mention, the guy also does all of this suffering from MS. He had an 8 hr shift last night, and probably got 15-20 minutes every hour working that touch screen and telling us what … Continue reading

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