Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #166 – Interview with Chelsea Wanstrath, Stupid Pregnancy Stories, & “Reader Emails”


    Another fun trip down memory lane today as I talk to Chelsea Wanstrath from Matt Grant’s season of the “Bachelor” back in 2008. Chelsea was the runner up to Shayne Llamas, and boy does she have a couple good stories to share from her final week or so on the show. This interview is basically 12 years in the making because before my site became what it was, Chelsea was the first person I was ever going to interview for my site back in 2008. I’d talked to her, I promoted it, then ABC got wind of it and killed it. Told her by no means was she allowed to do an interview with me and, well, here we are now 12 years later having … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 24 - Peter

    The “Bachelor” Peter – Episode 3 Mini Recap

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well today will not be a full recap of last night’s episode due to the fact I’m on the road, in a hotel in NY where the people next to me have been loud as shit every night for the last 4 nights, and I’m ready to get out of here. I want to thank everyone who sent condolences to me these last few days due to my aunt’s passing last week. Been a rough couple days but I made it through, got to see all my relatives who live in NY (we were the only ones who moved west), got to see hundreds and hundreds of people flock to my aunt’s viewing and mass the last couple days, so I knew how much she … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #165 – Interview with Jenni Croft Badolato


    A fun trip down memory lane today as we bring it back to probably the most controversial season (at the time), when Brad Womack’s first time around had him ending up getting rid of both women at the end. We know about DeAnna Pappas, but do you remember the other woman he let go? That’s Jenni Croft Badolato and she is our podcast guest this week as we cover all of that and more on episode #165. In addition, we talk about her pro sports dancing career, being a mom of 3 little ones, and then her desire to try out again for the Arizona Cardinals dance team as she approaches 40 years old. That and much, much more. As always, if you’d like to … Continue reading

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