Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” Nick’s “Apology,” Temptation Island & The Big D, and Big Brother Premieres Tonight!

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So I’m still in recovery mode from this past weekend due to my 30 yr high school reunion. 3 of the 4 nights I was out past 2am, and let me tell you, I don’t do that anymore. Just not in me. Yes, I’m usually up til 1am when I’m home after completing my 2 podcasts every night, but I’m actually home and just relaxing before that. Being out and about socializing this weekend, having a few drinks, and coming back to a hotel early in the morning is something I just don’t do very often. Hell, even when I’m in Vegas I don’t stay out all that late. And if I am, I’m downstairs in my own hotel, not hotel hopping and out partying. … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” “Bachelorette” Back to Its Original Time Slot, & Screen Time from @BachelorData

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I’m sure you’ve heard the good news by now, and that’s this: Starting next Monday, the “Bachelorette” is back to its normal time slot. No longer is “Claim to Fame” going to be the lead in for the “Bachelorette,” as they are switching spots, and “Bachelorette” will be on at 8/7 central, with “Claim to Fame” coming on at 10/9 central. Not sure why they did it for 4 weeks, if this was the plan all along, or what. And we probably will never know. Especially if the reason is because they feel they made a mistake. They’d never admit that. But it’s probably for the best. They never should’ve switched it out in the first place if you ask me. What did that accomplish? … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Daily Roundup, & 90’s Con Coming in September

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Wednesday nights are becoming my favorite nights of the week. Monday’s I just dread because of having to watch the show, record two podcasts, and write a column. Wednesday’s are so much better because, while it’s two shows that I watch, I actually like them so much better than “Bachelorette.” “Temptation Island” and “The Big D” tonight are REALLY good. I’ve seen both screeners and get ready for 2 great hrs of TV tonight on the USA Network. This is the first TI episode this season where the Temptation light is introduced, and lets just say it has everyone all out of whack. And that red light is on A LOT tonight. So much so that you’re wondering if it ever turned off. Especially since … Continue reading

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